To form and train young people in the Catholic missionary character.


Consolidate itself as a service of quality and a benchmark program that offers mission trips and training of young missionaries for the Church in Brazil and abroad.


Missionary Formation

This is the central value, which guides all others. All actions of MISSION BRAZIL are aimed at promoting an evangelical character in young people.

Spirit of Evangelization

MISSION BRAZIL participants share the spirit of audacity and parrhesia inherent to the Mission. It is a pioneering spirit, innovative and open to new challenges.


Guided by the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, MISSION BRAZIL fosters a deep sense of availability for the other, of human promotion, solidarity and reconciliation.


MISSION BRAZIL believes that the spirit of evangelization and service, and the training and formation, must always produce a sustainable impact. Sustainability for us is ecclesial, human, social, environmental and economic.




Júlio, Andrea, Cankin and Eliane are part of MISSION BRAZIL coordination team. They will work tirelessly to provide an amazing sustainable experience of mission and service to your group, while bringing in a deeply committed group of young catholic Brazilians to serve with you along the way.

Mission Trip and Media Coordinator

Brazilian, member of the Christian Life Movement (MVC) since 2012. With a degree in Social Communication (Journalism, Marketing and Advertising from PUC in Rio de Janeiro), she has worked in press vehicles and in the private corporate sector. She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Tourism. Andrea lives in Petrópolis, after having spent two and a half years in Florida (USA). There she specialized in Tourism and Hospitality Administration. Andrea has been actively working as a Missions and Communications coordinator at MISSION BRAZIL since 2017.

Bible passage: Psalm 91,2


Cankin MA, Ecuadorian, member of the Christian Life Movement (MVC), graduated in Theology from the Catholic University of Petrópolis. For the past few years, Cankin has been preparing to become a priest. Over the past 15 years Cankin has worked in various MVC missions and formation programs and since 2017 he has been actively participating as a Spirituality Assistant for MISSION BRAZIL.

Bible passage: Philippians 1:21


Brazilian, with a degree in Pedagogy and a postgraduate degree in Management and Implementation of Distance Learning, she has been working in the field of Education for over 10 years. Eliane has been working as a Training coordinator since January 2023. She has experience in the area of pedagogical coordination of social projects in Catholic institutions of the 3rd sector.

Bible passage: Psalm 50,12


Our Core Team is a group of volunteers who actively collaborate on ongoing missions as leaders and participate in a biennial missionary formation program. It is a unique opportunity for young people to deepen their journey of faith and human formation through apostolic service and training, more committed to the values of the Church & mission.

Core Team Volunteer

Brazilian, lives in Petrópolis since she was born. She participates in the third group of Core Team training and does an internship in the Fundraising sector of MISSION BRAZIL. She studies fashion design. She loves to draw, sing and read.

Biblical passage John 15, 15 

Core Team Volunteer

Brazilian, born and lives in Magé. History student, intends to study International Relations in the future. Her hobbies are taking pictures and visiting museums. She loves watching the sunset at the beach.

Bible passage: Matthew 6,34

Core Team Volunteer

Brazilian, 20 years old. She met MISSION BRAZIL in 2021, in the missions in Raiz da Serra and participates in the Core Team 2023 class. She was born in Petrópolis and lives in Magé. Her dream is to fulfill God’s will, being a better version of it, and thus helping to build a better world. She loves nature, is enchanted by the universe and appreciates the arts, especially dance. She wants to grow in faith and intimacy with Jesus, following in his footsteps. Her hobbies are listening to music, watching series and reading.

Biblical passage: John 2, 5

Core Team Volunteer

Brazilian, Psychology student and Core Team member. He first participated in MISSION BRAZIL as a volunteer in 2021, in Raiz da Serra. He dreams of developing all of his talents and using them to serve others. His hobbies are: listening to music, horseback riding, watching hero movies and playing games on various platforms. He loves the outdoors and dealing with animals.

Bible passage: Matthew 19:14

Core Team Volunteer 

Brazilian, Biology student, works on the coordination team of the Christian Life Movement (MVC) and participates in the third group of Core Team training. She enjoys nature and being outdoors, plays the classical guitar and is passionate about music.

Biblical passage: Psalms 61, 6-7. 


Brazilian, born and raised in Petrópolis, Melissa participated as a volunteer in the July 2022 missions in Petrópolis and is currently a member of the 2023 Core Team. Her favorite hobbies are painting, music and reading. Her greatest desire is to fulfill God’s plans.

Biblical passage: John 10, 9-11 


I am Brazilian, and I have been studying for a military competition for the last 2 years. I am a member of the 2023 Core Team of Mission Brazil since July 2023. I consider myself a nerd and I love geek culture. The Japanese and England culture fascinates me, and I am a fanatic for Manchester City soccer. I dream of forming a stable family and getting to know the world.
Scripture passage: Acts 9:1-19 and 1 Peter 1:16


I am a Brazilian student of Information and Communication Technology and a member of the Christian Life Movement (MVC) since 2023. I like watching movies and going out with my friends. My dream is to have a job that I like and that makes me feel good.
Scripture passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


I am Brazilian, a Marketing Technology student and a member of the Christian Life Movement (MVC). I work in sales and advertising. I am part of the Core Team 2023 training class and I enjoy reading PDFs and books. My biggest dream is to work so I can travel.
Bible passage: Genesis 15,1